Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory...

Change I keep hearing this word again and again. Change is the only persistent thing in the world and the only thing which is not going to change is that things will not stop changing. My mind completely accepts this and believes in this and it knows that sooner I learn to accept this the better it is for me. But some how heart, if that is the thing which overules my rational thinking mind, fails to understand that and it keeps forcing my rational mind to think and to justify the reasons things change.

Well it is said love, support belongings and emotions have great strength and it can help a person to tide over the most difficult situation. I agree with it, I am not saying that these things have no meaning in my life (I think I am definitely not in a position to make judgments for others). but then if we get used to such a support situation and then if that support situation for some reason changes then what to do ?

I myself at times fail to make my own heart believe in the rational thinking that change is the eternal thing. I myself fail to accept that people, surrounding what ever is around me has to change for whatever reason and I should not get sad for that. If I myself am not able to control myself then how can I ever think of controlling the life of people around me so that they remain as I wish all the time.

A few days back I was discussing with my old friend why people change with time? Why suddenly their outlook towards you changes . So he answered that even I am bothered about the people in my life whose change affect me. There are n- number of people whom I don’t think of because I don’t feel at this moment that they are important for me , its not that they were not important earlier or they can't be , it is just that at this moment I don’t feel that they affect me.

At that moment I thought that it simply means that I am being selfish, I am ready to change but things which I want to remain same, I don’t want those people or those situations to change.

I looked back in my life and I felt that whatever that true old friend had said was quite correct. I was in initial ages as a kid was very much attached to my grandparents. My grandfather has definitely a huge impact on me. But these days I get so much involved in my own world that I just completely forget them and then to less my guilt I give them a call once a week or more then that. So for them even I have changed and I justify this change as I have work to do, I have friends to attend to , I have my own personal life to live .

Then why do I myself fail to understand this point and at times why do I feel when people around me who matter to me change? In a way it is good the fewer people whose actions or words matter to you. As there will be less impact in your life. Yes it comes with a cost and these days I feel I am going in that direction.

When you look everything objectively and rationally then that magic which love or emotions can do does not happen. But then there is a plus point too that you get less hurt. But then I will be cheating on myself if I say that I have learned to accept change easily ( well everyone learns to accept it unwillingly as we hardly have a option) as if I would have learned then I would wouldn’t have been thinking and writing on this issue .

I hope that my heart also changes and learn to accept the fact that change has to happen and it can’t do anything about it. Only thing it can do is embrace it with a smile as that’s the only thing which will keep him happy...

1 comment:

Insanity Rulz said...

We all know that change in inevitable but we still find it difficult to accept. Some how for most people the heart rules over the brain.